Day 45, May 30: The Tiferet in Malkhut

A day to revisit, one last time, the Inner Balance which is Tiferet.

How do we encounter Inner Balance and Harmony in the world that is manifested to us?

Rabbi Min Kantrowitz (again and yet again, I am struck by how great her book on the Counting of the Omer is) suggests this that this is a good day to examine the quality of trust in our lives.

When the biblical Job struggles to cope with his own suffering (especially in the face of his "comforters" urging him to accept a simple doctrine of divine reward and punishment, and thus to accept guilt for his sufferings) God finally appears to Job and reminds him that he is a very small part of a vast and mysterious universe. How is it that Job finds this answer comforting and not cold?

While not specifically addressing this question about Job, Min Kantrowitz provides a "take" on today's Sefirot that is relevant to that question:

"Trust can be difficult. Many of us have been wounded when we trusted someone who betrayed that trust. Yet trust is the core of belief. We are reminded today to open ourselves up to trusting the Source of balance, freeing ourselves to feel loved exactly as we are, free of fear, being protected by 'the wings of Shechinah.'"

You are an irreplaceable part of something much greater than yourself.

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